Doug Sheaffer – Pacific County

Free tax help available

January 30, 2019


By: Doug Sheaffer



Death and taxes. Hmm…

Certainly death is something in our future, whatever you conceive that to be. Another step in our journey? A door to somewhere else? A blank nothingness? Another turn on the wheel?

And taxes? Highly likely there will be taxes all along the way—whether this column still finds us in the midst of a “partial government shut-down” or not. You may have noticed that we are still paying even if way too many recipients aren’t (or weren’t) getting paid.

Just check your pay stub. No interruptions I can see. And this is just about this year. What about 2018? Taxes were definitely a certainty.

Our money still went out, the IRS still requires our payments and reporting. The good news is that all of us don’t have to wade through all of the minutiae by our lonesome. Tax-Aide is a service sponsored by AARP, designed to help you through the paperwork for free—especially to those who are 50+ and would have a tough time affording paid tax preparation.

If you happen to have a tax expert on retainer, or have various holdings and complicated tax structures, this might not be your place. For the majority of us, however..FREE tax help? Yes, indeed, thank you!

  • In Raymond, these volunteers are available at the Raymond Library (507 Duryea Street); 11:00-3:00, the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of February-March, and the 2nd Saturday in April.
  • In Ocean Park, they’re at the Ocean Park Library (1308 256th Place); 11:-4:00, February 6th-April 10th.

Be prepared by bringing your last year’s tax return, picture ID’s original Social Security cards, W-2’s, 1099’s, etc.  The more information you have at the time, the less likely you’ll be scurrying back home for things.

Volunteers who are knowledgeable in all the tax stuff and willing to donate their time and expertise—wow. It’s all part of what makes us a community. So, thank you!


Information & Assistance

Long Beach: 360 642 3634/888 571 6558    Raymond: 360 942 2177/888 571 6557

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