Benefits Checkup Get all the benefits you deserve. Find and enroll in federal, state, local and private programs that help pay for prescription drugs, utility bills, meals, health care, and other needs.
Community Living Connections
A state-wide website linking you to personalized care & support options in your area.
Eldercare Locator United State Administration on Aging provides a nationwide toll-free service helping older adults and their caregivers find local services for seniors.
2024 Olympic Peninsula Seniors Living Well Resource Guide available for download. Printed copies can be requested by calling one of our Information & Assistance offices (we have 7 offices in 4 counties). Click on this link to our Who We Are page, look at the Local Offices tab and select your County to find contact information for your local office. Who We Are – Local Offices Tab
Washington State 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember phone number and link for people to call or search for health and human service information, referrals and other assistance to meet their needs.
AARP – Washington State AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping people ages 50 and older to improve their quality of life as they age.
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s (AFA) mission is to provide optimal care and services to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses and to their families and caregivers.
National Family Caregiving Alliance
Founded in the late 1970s, Family Caregiver Alliance is the first community-based nonprofit organization in the country to address the needs of families and friends providing long-term care for loved ones at home.
National Council on Aging The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a nonprofit service and advocacy organization headquartered in Washington, DC. NCOA is a national voice for older Americans and the community organizations that serve them. We bring together nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government to develop creative solutions that improve the lives of all older adults.
Social Security The official web site of the Social Security Administration.
Washington Association of Area Agencies on Aging (W4A) Our state organization made up of 13 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Washington State. The organization seeks to enhance the effectiveness of each AAA through a strong agenda of information, advocacy, and education.
Health Plan Finder for Washington State A new way to help you find, compare and select a quality health insurance plan that is right for you, your family and your budget.
Medicare Official U.S. government site for people with Medicare.
Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states, according to federal requirements.
Benefits Checkup Get all the benefits you deserve. Find and enroll in federal, state, local and private programs that help pay for prescription drugs, utility bills, meals, health care, and other needs.
Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest
Of all the conversations you choose to have with loved ones, how you want to spend your last days is probably not at the top of the list. But it’s an important one. Have the conversation today, so you can rest assured your wishes will be known tomorrow
Legal Assistance
Columbia Legal Services Columbia Legal Services provides free civil (not criminal) legal services to people who are low-income or who have special legal needs throughout Washington state.
Washington Law Help Washington LawHelp is a guide to free civil legal services for low-income persons and seniors in Washington. This site provides legal education materials and tools that give you basic information on a number of legal problems, and in some cases, detailed instructions and forms to help you represent yourself in court. You can also locate information on free legal aid programs in Washington, including basic eligibility and contact information.
National Institute on Aging US Department of Health and Human Services dynamics of aging and improving health, well-being, and independence of adults as they age.
National Diabetes Education Program The National Diabetes Education Program is a federally-sponsored initiative that involves public and private partners to improve the treatment and outcomes for people with diabetes, to promote early diagnosis, and to prevent the onset of diabetes.
Senior Oral Health Most people know that regular medical and dental check-ups are important. The health of our mouth is important not only for our oral health but for our overall health as well. As we age, issues that affect our mouth can increase or worsen. So, it’s especially important to be aware of conditions associated with aging that can impact oral health.
Washington State Department of Health Here you will find information on some of the most important actions you can take to stay healthy, active and independent through the years. Recently updated to be more comprehensive and Internet surfer-friendly.
WA Cares Fund The WA Cares Fund ensures all working Washingtonians can earn access to long-term care when they need it. WA Cares Fund gives you flexibility to choose whatever combination of covered services and supports best meet your care needs.
Long Term Care Planning Kit Order the free “Long-Term Care Planning Kit” created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The kit includes information about home modifications, powers of attorney, long-term care insurance and tools to help you review options and make decisions about care for yourself or a loved one.
Senior Living Map Senior Living Map provides unbiased, comprehensive senior housing information in a fast, easy-to-use format that helps you better serve your clients.
Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program The Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman advocates for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities. Our purpose is to protect and promote the Resident Rights guaranteed these residents under Federal and State law and regulations.